Wednesday, July 25, 2012

24 Weeks & The Sickly Sweetness

As my tummy gets bigger, I can feel stronger kicks and movements in there each day.
Sometimes, it feels pretty surreal knowing there's a life living in me. There's a strange communication between my baby and I whenever she kicks: 
"Hey!! I'm here! Don't forget that, huh? : P"
And there are times I feel "earthquakes" (no, really!) in my tummy and wish they would stop so that I can fall back to sleep...

Anyways, I had another check up last week when I had to literally drink 10 little bags of sugar (you know, those coffee sugar packets) in 300 CCs of water...on an empty stomach. 
I did this soo that they could check my blood sugar level and see if I had prenatal diabetes. Arrrgggggghhhhhhhhh....................
Trust me, no matter how much of a sweet tooth you are, you WON'T like it....
I was restless, my heartbeat was racing and I felt like hell for the entire morning. 
Well...I'm glad it is all done, and all went well. ; )))

Ps. Sweets haven't tasted the same to me since that sugar rush. : /

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