Wednesday, July 25, 2012

24 Weeks & The Sickly Sweetness

As my tummy gets bigger, I can feel stronger kicks and movements in there each day.
Sometimes, it feels pretty surreal knowing there's a life living in me. There's a strange communication between my baby and I whenever she kicks: 
"Hey!! I'm here! Don't forget that, huh? : P"
And there are times I feel "earthquakes" (no, really!) in my tummy and wish they would stop so that I can fall back to sleep...

Anyways, I had another check up last week when I had to literally drink 10 little bags of sugar (you know, those coffee sugar packets) in 300 CCs of water...on an empty stomach. 
I did this soo that they could check my blood sugar level and see if I had prenatal diabetes. Arrrgggggghhhhhhhhh....................
Trust me, no matter how much of a sweet tooth you are, you WON'T like it....
I was restless, my heartbeat was racing and I felt like hell for the entire morning. 
Well...I'm glad it is all done, and all went well. ; )))

Ps. Sweets haven't tasted the same to me since that sugar rush. : /

Hi ya!! ; )


Baby says hi at 23 weeks! : ))

Thursday, July 5, 2012

21 Weeks of Me Plus One

Me at 21 weeks! 

I know, I know... I (might) look small compared to most of moms-to-be at the half way point. My mom told me she was the same when she was pregnant, and she only started to show when it was close to the due that makes me feel better.

Didn't everyone hear that pregnant women have great appetite and can eat a horse at some point in their pregnancy??? Well, it doesn't happen to me (....yet). The heat of July here does not help at all. I feel hot at all times, my hands and my feet are always burning hot. And I just don't have a great appetite! The only thing that I crave is...ICE CREAM. But again, I've also lost my sweet tooth, so even ice cream, I can only stomach a little! Yikes! : / 
So, hopefully, my love of fruits will help! : )

Anyway, at least I know that baby is vey active, kicking all the time. She kicks whenever I lay down for sleeping or a nap, she kicks when she hears loud music and strong beats and she kicks whenever she wants to...
even though I don't really crave lots of food. 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

20 out of 40! Yay!

20 weeks marks the half way of my pregnancy!
Baby is now kicking all the time!! ; )

Here is the belly picture of 20 weeks.